FRIDAY 24th JANUARY, 7-9pm
Investment: $49 per person.

As we head towards the end of the frantic festive holiday season, we will no doubt be in dire need of a moment or two to pause and rest. Join us for our January REST CLUB: 2hrs of RESTORATIVE YOGA - a deeply nourishing session designed to bring you into a state of full body softness and restfulness. Restorative Yoga is a little like Yin Yoga - but more restful (you could say it's more yin than Yin). Whilst Yin intends to create some stress in the tissues, restorative centres on pure relaxation.
We use an abundance of props to create supreme comfort in each pose, and have plenty of time to steep in the postures and drop into a blissful state.
We supply you with mats, blocks, bolsters, blankets & pillows but also encourage you to bring anything else that helps you to nestle in and comfort yourself. Soft music and crystal bowls are played to add to the experience.